PSI Journal Club: Missing Data
Time: 16:00 - 17:00 (UK Time)
Our next journal club features two papers on the topic of Missing Data.
Please join us to hear Craig Mallinckrodt and Brooke Rabe and present their recent work:
Chair: Dr Tim Morris (UCL)
SPEAKER: Brooke Rabe (University of Arizona)
Missing data handling in non‐inferiority and equivalence trials: A systematic review
Pharmaceutical Statistics, Volume 17, Issue 5, September/October 2018 Pages 477-488
SPEAKER: Craig Mallinckrodt (Biogen)
Choosing estimands in clinical trials with missing data
Pharmaceutical Statistics, Volume 16, Issue1 (Special Issue: Estimands), January/February 2017 Pages 29-36
Please click here to view the flyer.
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Papers available to view prior to the meeting on and presentation slides will be available a week before the JC. Journal subscribers can access papers at any time. Audio recordings will be available shortly after the JC to download from the PSI website. The meetings are open to PSI and non-PSI members.
We encourage you to read these papers in advance so you get the most from this event. For further info/feedback, or to submit a question to the authors in advance of the meeting please contact