PSI Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Key Principles

PSI is committed to a policy of inclusion and respect for diversity for all its members and stakeholders. We oppose all forms of unfair and unlawful discrimination and recognize the value of diversity in everything we do.


  • Aim to be a fair, unbiased and professional organisation.
  • Treat everyone with whom we have contact with dignity and respect, recognising and valuing their individual skills and contributions.
  • Apply inclusion principles proactively to ensure that we minimise the potential for discrimination, harassment and bullying and promote equality and diversity.
  • Take the necessary steps to ensure that our activities are accessible to a diverse community and that no-one, including those with protected characteristics, is disproportionately disadvantaged through our activities.
  • Aim to ensure our board of directors is broadly representative of the membership such that a diverse range of views are represented.

Implementation and Monitoring

The Board of Directors share responsibility in ensuring all activities conducted on behalf of PSI are implemented in accordance with the policy.

The policy will be monitored and reviewed annually by the Board of Directors, to ensure that we remain an inclusive organisation that values diversity, and that inadvertent discrimination against any individual or a particular group does not occur.

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