Careers Committee

Careers Director: Kimberley Hacquoil

The objective of the Careers Committee is to provide career related events and topics for statisticians and programmers within the pharmaceutical industry.

Explore content created by the Careers Committee by visiting our homepage.

The committee is split into sub-committees that each have their own areas of focus. Read about each committee below.



Chair: Amanda Darekar

The University committee focus on providing events and content related to university outreach activities. Through working directly with universities and students, we provide information to individuals interested in careers as either statisticians or statistical programmers within the industry. 

Our activities include:

  • Organising careers events for university students (MEDMathS and the PSI Medical Statistics Careers Event)
  • Publishing a twice-yearly student newsletter
  • Providing student placement information
  • Awarding annual undergraduate student prizes
  • Developing and publicising the Medical Statistics Apprenticeship
  • Giving careers talks at universities
  • Attending regional and national careers events
  • Raising awareness of general issues such as cuts to MSc funding
  • Working with other organisations such as the Royal Statistical Society (RSS)

We are always on the lookout for people to help with our initiatives, for example giving a university careers talk or writing a profile about working in the industry. If you are interested in becoming involved in any of our activities and can spare even just a little bit of time, please get in touch with any of the committee.

If you have any careers related questions please feel free to contact us at

The committee meet 4 times a year to discuss current topics and agenda items.  



Chair: Emma Crawford

The Schools Committee focuses on encouraging and supporting PSI members to engage in Schools Outreach activities. By empowering our PSI members with materials to take into schools, as well as fostering collaborations with relevant STEM engagement organisations, we aim to promote the opportunities of working in numerate careers in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry and hopefully inspire the future workforce to continue with their studies in STEM subjects. 

Our activities include:

  • Promoting benefits of engaging in school outreach activities
  • Raising awareness of numerate careers in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industry
  • Facilitating an incentive program to reward PSI members that engage in outreach
  • Maintaining a knowledge library of materials to take into schools
  • Developing and running interactive workshops for schools
  • Attending and organising regional and national STEM events
  • Fostering collaborations with relevant STEM engagement organisations

If you have any schools outreach related questions please feel free to contact us at

You can find more about Schools Outreach here.


Introduction to Industry Training (ITIT)

Chair: Zelie Bailes

The ITIT committee organise the yearly Introduction to Industry Training course (ITIT), which has been running for over 30 years. We work with various companies to give statisticians and statistical programmers new to the pharmaceutical industry an overview of the industry and the complete drug development process.

Our activities include:

  • Organising the ITIT course each year, which consists of 6 separate 2-day sessions throughout the year.

We are always on the lookout for contacts across the industry who may be able to support the course by hosting a session. If you are interested in learning more about hosting a session, please reach out to any of the committee members.

If you have any questions, you can contact the ITIT chair Zelie Bailes at

You can find more information on the ITIT course here.

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