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10 June 2020

Stephen Ruberg, Deborah Ashby, Ron Wasserstein. 

Inferring what is likely to be true based statistical analysis of data is a very difficult task and certainly not as easy as computing a p-value for declaring H0 to be true or false based on an arbitrary cut-off value. Much has been written over the last eight decades on hypothesis testing, p-values, Bayesian inference with the conversations (or sometimes acrimonious debate) continuing. This session will include the leaders from the two most prominent statistical societies in the world – The Royal Statistical Society (Deborah Ashby) and the American Statistical Association (Ron Wasserstein) – and moderated by Stephen Ruberg. Listen to their perspectives and sharpen your statistical thinking. This session of the 2020 PSI Conference Webinar Series was kindly sponsored by Astrazeneca.

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