Date: Tuesday 12th January 2021 Time: Tues. 12th - 15:00-16:30 GMT Speakers: Melanie Wright (Novartis), Sue McKendrick (PPD), Nanco Hefting (Lundbeck), Rikke Mette Agesen (NovoNordisk), and Helle Lynggaard (NovoNordisk).
Who is this event intended for? Anyone working in clinical trials: Clinician, Regulator, Investigator, Academic, Ethics Committee, Statistician. What is the benefit of attending? Understand how to describe clinical objectives using the estimands framework, recognising the benefits of this approach.
You can now register for this event.
This event is free of charge to both Members and Non Members of PSI. Please note: this event takes place on both the 12th & 19th January, but will entail exactly the same content.
To register for the 12th January session, please click here.
To register for the 19th January session, please click here.
Bringing estimands to life through a real case study. A year on after the final ICH E9 estimands addendum was published, we bring estimands to life from a real example from protocol to press release. Members of the estimands Implementation Working Group (EIWG) will describe the background and study objectives, intercurrent events of interest and chosen estimands in the PIONEER study.
Speaker Details
Melanie Wright Novartis
Melanie Wright is a Biostatistics Global Group Head at Novartis Pharma AG. She has an MSc in Biometry from University of Reading (UK) and started working in the pharmaceutical industry in 1996. Despite her background in statistics, Melanie describes herself as “an experienced drug developer with a focus on structured quantitative decision making”. Melanie has been leading many activities as part of the estimand workstream at Novartis for the last 3 years and from last year became involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group.
Sue McKendrick PPD
Sue McKendrick is an Associate Statistical Science Director leading the cross-functional Estimand Working Group at PPD. In 1991, she graduated with an M.Sc. in Biometry from University of Reading, UK and has been a Chartered Statistician since 1998. Sue has over 25 years’ experience of statistical consultancy across drug development in both CRO and pharma companies, including collaborating with clinical colleagues on protocol development.
Nanco Hefting Lundbeck
Nanco Hefting is Chief Scientific Specialist in the Clinical Research – Psychiatry department at H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. He has a Master of Science in pharmacy and pharmacist education from the University of Groningen, NL, 1991 and has worked since as a clinical scientist and clinical lead in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Development in various companies. Nanco has been involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group and is Co-Chair of the EIWG.
Rikke Agesen Novo Nordisk
Rikke Mette Agesen is a Senior International Medical Manager in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She graduated as a Medical Doctor in 2010 from the University of Copenhagen and has several years of clinical experience within Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. Rikke holds a PhD and a Postdoctoral position in Type 1 diabetes and hypoglycaemia. With a physician’s perspective Rikke represents Novo Nordisk in the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Helle Lynggaard Novo Nordisk
Helle Lynggaard is a Principal Statistician in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She obtained her MSc from the University of Aalborg in 1994 and her PhD in 2005 from the University of Copenhagen. She has worked with Novo Nordisk since 1994 in different statistical roles including being a Project Statistician. Since 2015 she has been working in a cross-project biostatistics department that provides support to statisticians in the clinical projects. Helle is a key driver in implementing estimands in Novo Nordisk studies, and is a member of the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Scientific Meetings
PSI EIWG Webinar: PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research (Session 1)
Date: Tuesday 12th January 2021 Time: Tues. 12th - 15:00-16:30 GMT Speakers: Melanie Wright (Novartis), Sue McKendrick (PPD), Nanco Hefting (Lundbeck), Rikke Mette Agesen (NovoNordisk), and Helle Lynggaard (NovoNordisk).
Who is this event intended for? Anyone working in clinical trials: Clinician, Regulator, Investigator, Academic, Ethics Committee, Statistician. What is the benefit of attending? Understand how to describe clinical objectives using the estimands framework, recognising the benefits of this approach.
You can now register for this event.
This event is free of charge to both Members and Non Members of PSI. Please note: this event takes place on both the 12th & 19th January, but will entail exactly the same content.
To register for the 12th January session, please click here.
To register for the 19th January session, please click here.
Bringing estimands to life through a real case study. A year on after the final ICH E9 estimands addendum was published, we bring estimands to life from a real example from protocol to press release. Members of the estimands Implementation Working Group (EIWG) will describe the background and study objectives, intercurrent events of interest and chosen estimands in the PIONEER study.
Speaker Details
Melanie Wright Novartis
Melanie Wright is a Biostatistics Global Group Head at Novartis Pharma AG. She has an MSc in Biometry from University of Reading (UK) and started working in the pharmaceutical industry in 1996. Despite her background in statistics, Melanie describes herself as “an experienced drug developer with a focus on structured quantitative decision making”. Melanie has been leading many activities as part of the estimand workstream at Novartis for the last 3 years and from last year became involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group.
Sue McKendrick PPD
Sue McKendrick is an Associate Statistical Science Director leading the cross-functional Estimand Working Group at PPD. In 1991, she graduated with an M.Sc. in Biometry from University of Reading, UK and has been a Chartered Statistician since 1998. Sue has over 25 years’ experience of statistical consultancy across drug development in both CRO and pharma companies, including collaborating with clinical colleagues on protocol development.
Nanco Hefting Lundbeck
Nanco Hefting is Chief Scientific Specialist in the Clinical Research – Psychiatry department at H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. He has a Master of Science in pharmacy and pharmacist education from the University of Groningen, NL, 1991 and has worked since as a clinical scientist and clinical lead in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Development in various companies. Nanco has been involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group and is Co-Chair of the EIWG.
Rikke Agesen Novo Nordisk
Rikke Mette Agesen is a Senior International Medical Manager in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She graduated as a Medical Doctor in 2010 from the University of Copenhagen and has several years of clinical experience within Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. Rikke holds a PhD and a Postdoctoral position in Type 1 diabetes and hypoglycaemia. With a physician’s perspective Rikke represents Novo Nordisk in the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Helle Lynggaard Novo Nordisk
Helle Lynggaard is a Principal Statistician in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She obtained her MSc from the University of Aalborg in 1994 and her PhD in 2005 from the University of Copenhagen. She has worked with Novo Nordisk since 1994 in different statistical roles including being a Project Statistician. Since 2015 she has been working in a cross-project biostatistics department that provides support to statisticians in the clinical projects. Helle is a key driver in implementing estimands in Novo Nordisk studies, and is a member of the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Training Courses
PSI EIWG Webinar: PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research (Session 1)
Date: Tuesday 12th January 2021 Time: Tues. 12th - 15:00-16:30 GMT Speakers: Melanie Wright (Novartis), Sue McKendrick (PPD), Nanco Hefting (Lundbeck), Rikke Mette Agesen (NovoNordisk), and Helle Lynggaard (NovoNordisk).
Who is this event intended for? Anyone working in clinical trials: Clinician, Regulator, Investigator, Academic, Ethics Committee, Statistician. What is the benefit of attending? Understand how to describe clinical objectives using the estimands framework, recognising the benefits of this approach.
You can now register for this event.
This event is free of charge to both Members and Non Members of PSI. Please note: this event takes place on both the 12th & 19th January, but will entail exactly the same content.
To register for the 12th January session, please click here.
To register for the 19th January session, please click here.
Bringing estimands to life through a real case study. A year on after the final ICH E9 estimands addendum was published, we bring estimands to life from a real example from protocol to press release. Members of the estimands Implementation Working Group (EIWG) will describe the background and study objectives, intercurrent events of interest and chosen estimands in the PIONEER study.
Speaker Details
Melanie Wright Novartis
Melanie Wright is a Biostatistics Global Group Head at Novartis Pharma AG. She has an MSc in Biometry from University of Reading (UK) and started working in the pharmaceutical industry in 1996. Despite her background in statistics, Melanie describes herself as “an experienced drug developer with a focus on structured quantitative decision making”. Melanie has been leading many activities as part of the estimand workstream at Novartis for the last 3 years and from last year became involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group.
Sue McKendrick PPD
Sue McKendrick is an Associate Statistical Science Director leading the cross-functional Estimand Working Group at PPD. In 1991, she graduated with an M.Sc. in Biometry from University of Reading, UK and has been a Chartered Statistician since 1998. Sue has over 25 years’ experience of statistical consultancy across drug development in both CRO and pharma companies, including collaborating with clinical colleagues on protocol development.
Nanco Hefting Lundbeck
Nanco Hefting is Chief Scientific Specialist in the Clinical Research – Psychiatry department at H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. He has a Master of Science in pharmacy and pharmacist education from the University of Groningen, NL, 1991 and has worked since as a clinical scientist and clinical lead in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Development in various companies. Nanco has been involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group and is Co-Chair of the EIWG.
Rikke Agesen Novo Nordisk
Rikke Mette Agesen is a Senior International Medical Manager in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She graduated as a Medical Doctor in 2010 from the University of Copenhagen and has several years of clinical experience within Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. Rikke holds a PhD and a Postdoctoral position in Type 1 diabetes and hypoglycaemia. With a physician’s perspective Rikke represents Novo Nordisk in the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Helle Lynggaard Novo Nordisk
Helle Lynggaard is a Principal Statistician in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She obtained her MSc from the University of Aalborg in 1994 and her PhD in 2005 from the University of Copenhagen. She has worked with Novo Nordisk since 1994 in different statistical roles including being a Project Statistician. Since 2015 she has been working in a cross-project biostatistics department that provides support to statisticians in the clinical projects. Helle is a key driver in implementing estimands in Novo Nordisk studies, and is a member of the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Journal Club
PSI EIWG Webinar: PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research (Session 1)
Date: Tuesday 12th January 2021 Time: Tues. 12th - 15:00-16:30 GMT Speakers: Melanie Wright (Novartis), Sue McKendrick (PPD), Nanco Hefting (Lundbeck), Rikke Mette Agesen (NovoNordisk), and Helle Lynggaard (NovoNordisk).
Who is this event intended for? Anyone working in clinical trials: Clinician, Regulator, Investigator, Academic, Ethics Committee, Statistician. What is the benefit of attending? Understand how to describe clinical objectives using the estimands framework, recognising the benefits of this approach.
You can now register for this event.
This event is free of charge to both Members and Non Members of PSI. Please note: this event takes place on both the 12th & 19th January, but will entail exactly the same content.
To register for the 12th January session, please click here.
To register for the 19th January session, please click here.
Bringing estimands to life through a real case study. A year on after the final ICH E9 estimands addendum was published, we bring estimands to life from a real example from protocol to press release. Members of the estimands Implementation Working Group (EIWG) will describe the background and study objectives, intercurrent events of interest and chosen estimands in the PIONEER study.
Speaker Details
Melanie Wright Novartis
Melanie Wright is a Biostatistics Global Group Head at Novartis Pharma AG. She has an MSc in Biometry from University of Reading (UK) and started working in the pharmaceutical industry in 1996. Despite her background in statistics, Melanie describes herself as “an experienced drug developer with a focus on structured quantitative decision making”. Melanie has been leading many activities as part of the estimand workstream at Novartis for the last 3 years and from last year became involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group.
Sue McKendrick PPD
Sue McKendrick is an Associate Statistical Science Director leading the cross-functional Estimand Working Group at PPD. In 1991, she graduated with an M.Sc. in Biometry from University of Reading, UK and has been a Chartered Statistician since 1998. Sue has over 25 years’ experience of statistical consultancy across drug development in both CRO and pharma companies, including collaborating with clinical colleagues on protocol development.
Nanco Hefting Lundbeck
Nanco Hefting is Chief Scientific Specialist in the Clinical Research – Psychiatry department at H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. He has a Master of Science in pharmacy and pharmacist education from the University of Groningen, NL, 1991 and has worked since as a clinical scientist and clinical lead in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Development in various companies. Nanco has been involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group and is Co-Chair of the EIWG.
Rikke Agesen Novo Nordisk
Rikke Mette Agesen is a Senior International Medical Manager in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She graduated as a Medical Doctor in 2010 from the University of Copenhagen and has several years of clinical experience within Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. Rikke holds a PhD and a Postdoctoral position in Type 1 diabetes and hypoglycaemia. With a physician’s perspective Rikke represents Novo Nordisk in the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Helle Lynggaard Novo Nordisk
Helle Lynggaard is a Principal Statistician in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She obtained her MSc from the University of Aalborg in 1994 and her PhD in 2005 from the University of Copenhagen. She has worked with Novo Nordisk since 1994 in different statistical roles including being a Project Statistician. Since 2015 she has been working in a cross-project biostatistics department that provides support to statisticians in the clinical projects. Helle is a key driver in implementing estimands in Novo Nordisk studies, and is a member of the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
PSI EIWG Webinar: PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research (Session 1)
Date: Tuesday 12th January 2021 Time: Tues. 12th - 15:00-16:30 GMT Speakers: Melanie Wright (Novartis), Sue McKendrick (PPD), Nanco Hefting (Lundbeck), Rikke Mette Agesen (NovoNordisk), and Helle Lynggaard (NovoNordisk).
Who is this event intended for? Anyone working in clinical trials: Clinician, Regulator, Investigator, Academic, Ethics Committee, Statistician. What is the benefit of attending? Understand how to describe clinical objectives using the estimands framework, recognising the benefits of this approach.
You can now register for this event.
This event is free of charge to both Members and Non Members of PSI. Please note: this event takes place on both the 12th & 19th January, but will entail exactly the same content.
To register for the 12th January session, please click here.
To register for the 19th January session, please click here.
Bringing estimands to life through a real case study. A year on after the final ICH E9 estimands addendum was published, we bring estimands to life from a real example from protocol to press release. Members of the estimands Implementation Working Group (EIWG) will describe the background and study objectives, intercurrent events of interest and chosen estimands in the PIONEER study.
Speaker Details
Melanie Wright Novartis
Melanie Wright is a Biostatistics Global Group Head at Novartis Pharma AG. She has an MSc in Biometry from University of Reading (UK) and started working in the pharmaceutical industry in 1996. Despite her background in statistics, Melanie describes herself as “an experienced drug developer with a focus on structured quantitative decision making”. Melanie has been leading many activities as part of the estimand workstream at Novartis for the last 3 years and from last year became involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group.
Sue McKendrick PPD
Sue McKendrick is an Associate Statistical Science Director leading the cross-functional Estimand Working Group at PPD. In 1991, she graduated with an M.Sc. in Biometry from University of Reading, UK and has been a Chartered Statistician since 1998. Sue has over 25 years’ experience of statistical consultancy across drug development in both CRO and pharma companies, including collaborating with clinical colleagues on protocol development.
Nanco Hefting Lundbeck
Nanco Hefting is Chief Scientific Specialist in the Clinical Research – Psychiatry department at H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. He has a Master of Science in pharmacy and pharmacist education from the University of Groningen, NL, 1991 and has worked since as a clinical scientist and clinical lead in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Development in various companies. Nanco has been involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group and is Co-Chair of the EIWG.
Rikke Agesen Novo Nordisk
Rikke Mette Agesen is a Senior International Medical Manager in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She graduated as a Medical Doctor in 2010 from the University of Copenhagen and has several years of clinical experience within Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. Rikke holds a PhD and a Postdoctoral position in Type 1 diabetes and hypoglycaemia. With a physician’s perspective Rikke represents Novo Nordisk in the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Helle Lynggaard Novo Nordisk
Helle Lynggaard is a Principal Statistician in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She obtained her MSc from the University of Aalborg in 1994 and her PhD in 2005 from the University of Copenhagen. She has worked with Novo Nordisk since 1994 in different statistical roles including being a Project Statistician. Since 2015 she has been working in a cross-project biostatistics department that provides support to statisticians in the clinical projects. Helle is a key driver in implementing estimands in Novo Nordisk studies, and is a member of the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Careers Meetings
PSI EIWG Webinar: PIONEERing estimands in Clinical Research (Session 1)
Date: Tuesday 12th January 2021 Time: Tues. 12th - 15:00-16:30 GMT Speakers: Melanie Wright (Novartis), Sue McKendrick (PPD), Nanco Hefting (Lundbeck), Rikke Mette Agesen (NovoNordisk), and Helle Lynggaard (NovoNordisk).
Who is this event intended for? Anyone working in clinical trials: Clinician, Regulator, Investigator, Academic, Ethics Committee, Statistician. What is the benefit of attending? Understand how to describe clinical objectives using the estimands framework, recognising the benefits of this approach.
You can now register for this event.
This event is free of charge to both Members and Non Members of PSI. Please note: this event takes place on both the 12th & 19th January, but will entail exactly the same content.
To register for the 12th January session, please click here.
To register for the 19th January session, please click here.
Bringing estimands to life through a real case study. A year on after the final ICH E9 estimands addendum was published, we bring estimands to life from a real example from protocol to press release. Members of the estimands Implementation Working Group (EIWG) will describe the background and study objectives, intercurrent events of interest and chosen estimands in the PIONEER study.
Speaker Details
Melanie Wright Novartis
Melanie Wright is a Biostatistics Global Group Head at Novartis Pharma AG. She has an MSc in Biometry from University of Reading (UK) and started working in the pharmaceutical industry in 1996. Despite her background in statistics, Melanie describes herself as “an experienced drug developer with a focus on structured quantitative decision making”. Melanie has been leading many activities as part of the estimand workstream at Novartis for the last 3 years and from last year became involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group.
Sue McKendrick PPD
Sue McKendrick is an Associate Statistical Science Director leading the cross-functional Estimand Working Group at PPD. In 1991, she graduated with an M.Sc. in Biometry from University of Reading, UK and has been a Chartered Statistician since 1998. Sue has over 25 years’ experience of statistical consultancy across drug development in both CRO and pharma companies, including collaborating with clinical colleagues on protocol development.
Nanco Hefting Lundbeck
Nanco Hefting is Chief Scientific Specialist in the Clinical Research – Psychiatry department at H. Lundbeck A/S, Copenhagen, Denmark. He has a Master of Science in pharmacy and pharmacist education from the University of Groningen, NL, 1991 and has worked since as a clinical scientist and clinical lead in Clinical Pharmacology and Clinical Development in various companies. Nanco has been involved in the EFSPI/EFPIA estimand working group and is Co-Chair of the EIWG.
Rikke Agesen Novo Nordisk
Rikke Mette Agesen is a Senior International Medical Manager in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She graduated as a Medical Doctor in 2010 from the University of Copenhagen and has several years of clinical experience within Internal Medicine and Endocrinology. Rikke holds a PhD and a Postdoctoral position in Type 1 diabetes and hypoglycaemia. With a physician’s perspective Rikke represents Novo Nordisk in the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Helle Lynggaard Novo Nordisk
Helle Lynggaard is a Principal Statistician in Global Development at Novo Nordisk. She obtained her MSc from the University of Aalborg in 1994 and her PhD in 2005 from the University of Copenhagen. She has worked with Novo Nordisk since 1994 in different statistical roles including being a Project Statistician. Since 2015 she has been working in a cross-project biostatistics department that provides support to statisticians in the clinical projects. Helle is a key driver in implementing estimands in Novo Nordisk studies, and is a member of the EFPIA/EFSPI estimand implementation working group (EIWG).
Upcoming Events
PSI Mentoring 2025
Date: Ongoing 6 month cycle beginning late April/early May 2024
Are you a member of PSI looking to further your career or help develop others - why not sign up to the PSI Mentoring scheme? You can expand your network, improve your leadership skills and learn from more senior colleagues in the industry.
PSI Introduction to Industry Training (ITIT) Course - 2025/2026
An introductory course giving an overview of the pharmaceutical industry and the drug development process as a whole, aimed at those with 1-3 years' experience. It comprises of six 2-day sessions covering a range of topics including Research and Development, Toxicology, Data Management and the Role of a CRO, Clinical Trials, Reimbursement, and Marketing.
Joint PSI/EFSPI Visualisation SIG 'Wonderful Wednesday' Webinars
Our monthly webinar explores examples of innovative data visualisations relevant to our day to day work. Each month a new dataset is provided from a clinical trial or other relevant example, and participants are invited to submit a graphic that communicates interesting and relevant characteristics of the data.
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
This is an interactive online training workshop providing an in-depth review of the estimand framework as laid out by ICH E9(R1) addendum with inputs from estimand experts, case studies, quizzes and opportunity for discussions. You will develop an estimand in a therapeutic area of interest to your company. In an online break-out room, you will join a series of team discussions to implement the estimand framework in a case study, aligning estimands, design, conduct, analysis, (assumptions + sensitivity analyses) to the clinical objective and therapeutic setting.
Maths Meets Medicine: Exploring Careers in the Pharmaceutical Industry
This session will showcase how careers in pharmaceutical statistics can be both rewarding and impactful, with a focus on how mathematics is integral to the development of medicines. Students will hear from industry experts, explore diverse career paths, and learn why continuing to study math is key to unlocking exciting opportunities in the healthcare sector.
Dissolution Testing: Time for Statistical (r)Evolution
Webinar dedicated to the topic of dissolution of oral solid dosage forms; opportunity to hear from statisticians working in the CMC field, with open question and answers.
In addition, the CMC Statistical Network Europe special interest group will discuss advocacy opportunities, have your say to contribute to the future direction.
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds.
The BioMarin internship programme will enable students to gain valuable experience and knowledge of the processes and systems within BioMarin, whilst gaining an insight into the pharmaceutical/biotech industry.