PSI Training Course: Propensity Scores - practical application in non-randomised studies
Dates: Tues 5th, Thurs 7th, Tues 19th & Thurs 21st September 2023
Time: 13:00-17:00 BST (each day)
Location: Online
Speakers: Elizabeth Williamson, Clemence Leyrat, and John Tazare (all from LSHTM)
Who is this event intended for? Statisticians looking to understand how to understand and implement propensity scores for use of external data.
What is the benefit of attending? Participants will be able to come away with a practical understanding of when to use, and how to use, propensity score methods.
Course cost
Early Bird PSI Members = £320+VAT
Early Bird Non-Members = £430*+VAT
*Please note: Early Bird prices expire at 23:30 on Monday 7th August.
Standard PSI Members = £360+VAT
Standard Non-Members = £470*+VAT
*Please note: Non-Member rates include PSI membership until 31 Dec. 2024.
To book your place, please click here.
The course will introduce the topic of propensity scores and the use of external data. Covering the topics of matching and weighting as well as more advance topics of high dimension propensity scores, multi-valued treatments, double robustness and time-varying scenarios. There will be the opportunity to participate in some hands on practical exercises in R.
Please see below an outline of the four sessions.
Session 1
- Introduction to propensity scores
- Propensity score methods
- Practical exercise using R
Session 2
- Estimating the propensity score
- Propensity scores for multi-valued treatments
- Practical exercise using R
Session 3
- Handling missing data
- High dimensional propensity scores
- Practical exercise using R
Session 4
- Outcome regression and double robustness
- Time-varying scenarios
- Practical exercise using R
Speaker details

Elizabeth Williamson
Elizabeth Williamson is a Professor of Biostatistics and Health Data Science at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Her research focuses on improving statistical methods for using electronic health record data for research. Elizabeth has a long-term interest in propensity scores, beginning with her PhD in 2003-7 which explored issues around variance estimation, moving on to handling missing data within propensity scores and, more recently, exploring high-dimensional confounding within propensity score analysis.

Clemence Leyrat
Clemence Leyrat is an Associate Professor in Medical Statistics at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Since completing her PhD in 2014 on the use of propensity scores in cluster randomised trials, most of her research has focused on causal inference methods for the analysis of observational studies, including trial emulation. More recently, she has been investigating the properties of propensity score weighting in longitudinal settings and in the presence of clustering by hospital.

John Tazare
John Tazare is an Assistant Professor in Statistical Pharmacoepidemiology at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. In 2021, John completed a PhD surrounding the use of high-dimensional propensity scores in UK electronic health records. John’s current research areas include the use of time-conditional propensity scores in prevalent new user designs and applications of causal inference methods (for example, clone-censor weighting approaches) for target trial emulation in non-randomised settings.