PSI Careers Medical Statistician Apprenticeship - Overview and Q&A with University Providers

Date: Thursday 16th March 2023
Time: 16:00-17:00 GMT
Location: Online
Speakers: Grant Cullen (University of Strathclyde), Louise Kelly (University of Strathclyde), Stephanie Hubbard (University of Leicester), Mark Rutherford (University of Leicester) and Daniel Apparicio (University of Leicester).
Who is this event intended for? Employers who are interested in taking on a medical statistician apprentice.
What is the benefit of attending? To find out more about the new Medical Statistics Apprenticeship and have the opportunity to talk to university providers.
This event is free to both Members and Non-Members of PSI.
To register for the session, please click here.
This webinar is an opportunity for potential employers to learn more about the new Medical Statistics Apprenticeship, and specifically, hear from our first university provider (University of Strathclyde) and also for another potential university provider (University of Leicester) to share information on their face to face course.
If you might be interested in taking on an apprentice statistician in the future this is an excellent opportunity to ask questions about the apprenticeship scheme and learn more about what is involved.