PSI Career Young Virtual Meet (Q1 2023)

Date: Tuesday 7th March 2023
Time: 12:00-13:00 GMT
Location: Online
Who is this event intended for? New professionals - those with 5 years or less of experience in the industry (including students and placement students)
What is the benefit of attending? An opportunity to meet statisticians from across the pharmaceutical industry in a relaxed and informal setting.
This event is free to both Members and Non-Members of PSI.
To register for the session, please click here.
This networking event is aimed at statisticians that are new to the pharmaceutical industry who wish to meet colleagues from different companies and backgrounds. The session will be split into two; in the first half we will have talks from those new to the industry sharing their experiences. This will then be followed by breakout rooms in the second half, where small groups can discuss their own experiences and for an opportunity to develop connections in the industry outside of their company.