PSI Leading for Impact Workshop

Date: Wednesday 29th September 2021
Time: 10:00 - 12:00 BST
Who is this event intended for? Anyone in a role that contains or will contain an aspect of leadership, be it project leadership, managing a team or advising more junior statisticians or programmers on a study.
What is the benefit of attending? You will come away with a plethora of techniques to use in your day to day leadership role as well as finding out how to overcome your own personal challenges in this context.
“It was really inspiring and empowering… it was enlightening to see that a lot of my peers go through the same challenges and feel the same feelings. It was good to talk about our journey and reflect on our experiences together”.
Whether your current challenge is trying to manage a new role, breaking through to your next position, influencing challenging stakeholders or progressing a difficult conversation, this workshop on removing barriers is for you.
During the session you will explore what’s holding you back, what opportunities for shift are available to you, identify where better to position yourself to positively influence, get your voice heard and be properly seen, and, have the opportunity to leave with achievable actions to enable you to lead for impact. The session will be interactive with the opportunity to connect with other participants. We will work with you to strengthen your leadership capability through the whole group, sub-group and individual interventions. The workshop will be run by our partner JCURV.
After this session, you will:
• Have clarity of what’s holding you back and how to progress forward from this
• Have practiced different techniques which you can use following the workshop
• Have the opportunity to leave with achievable actions you will take to enable your personal shift
Registration fees for this event are as follows:
PSI Members = £100+VAT
Non-Members = £195*+VAT (*inclusive of PSI Membership for the remainder of the 2021 calendar year)
To register for this workshop, please click here.
Speaker details