2021 PSI Annual Conference

The PSI 2021 conference was held online due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
The conference ran over three full days and consisted of a variety of live plenary and parallel sessions, additional on demand content, breakout discussion sessions, workshops, posters and virtual exhibitor stands. The conference also incorporated interactive and sociable elements to try to recreate those aspects we know people love about the PSI Conference.
The PSI Scientific Committee worked hard creating an exciting and relevant program. The resulting conference was a great success, having a record number of attendees and we received lots of positive feedback.
Content from the conference, including recordings of the majority of the live sessions, will remain accessible within the platform for all registered delegates until the end of December 2021 giving delegates the opportunity to catch up on what they missed, or re-watch a favourite session. The 2021 Online Cinference content is accessible for PSI members on the Video On Demand section of this website.
Paul Terrill, 2021 PSI Conference Chair
David Lawrence, 2021 PSI Conference Vice-Chair