PSI VisSIG Webinar: Grammar of Graphics - theory to implementation
Date: Wednesday 19th May 2021
Time: 16:00-17:00 BST
Speaker: Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel (RStudio)
Who is this event intended for? Statisticians and programmers.
What is the benefit of attending? Learn how to communicate visually through the grammar of graphics.
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In this talk we'll introduce the Grammar of Graphics, which allows you to compose graphs by combining independent components, and the implementation of this theory in R -- the ggplot2 package. We will describe the basics of building plots with ggplot2 and touch on a few approaches for customizing the plots. We will also highlight a few packages that are built to supplement ggplot2.
Key learnings include:
- Fundamentals of the theory of the Grammar of Graphics
- Basics of building plots with ggplot2, layer by layer
- Customising plots with functionality that comes with the ggplot2 package as well as supplemented by other packages.
Speaker details

Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel
Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel is Senior Lecturer in the School of Mathematics at University of Edinburgh, Data Scientist and Professional Educator at RStudio, and Associate Professor of the Practice position at the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. Mine’s work focuses on innovation in statistics and data science pedagogy, with an emphasis on computing, reproducible research, student-centred learning, and open-source education as well as pedagogical approaches for enhancing retention of women and under-represented minorities in STEM. Mine also works on the OpenIntro project and she is the creator and maintainer of
In this talk we'll introduce the Grammar of Graphics, which allows you to compose graphs by combining independent components, and the implementation of this theory in R -- the ggplot2 package. We will describe the basics of building plots, introduce commonly used geoms and statistical functions used to calculate these geoms. We will also touch on customizing ggplot2 defaults such as themes and colours. Additionally, we will highlight a few packages that are built to supplement ggplot2 by adding features that ease highlighting and annotation as well as additional geoms.