PSI ToxSIG Webinar: Beyond the looking glass - Interpreting animal welfare & behaviour by monitoring & assessing mice activity data
Date: Tuesday 16th March 2021
Time: 14:00-15:00 GMT
Speakers: Eloisa Brook (GSK), Joanna Moore (GSK), and George Birkbeck (GSK).
Who is this event intended for? Statisticians supporting in-vivo studies.
What is the benefit of attending? Hear about how GSK has evaluated home cage monitoring systems, sharing information on how the systems work as well as giving an idea what the input and impact has been from the statistical analyses carried out.
Typically, animal welfare and behaviour are monitored and assessed visually at periodic times throughout the day. However, in order to go beyond this level of assessment we have been using the Digital Ventilated Cage (DVC®) to capture this information quantitively. The DVC® is a non-invasive Home Cage Monitoring system that uses electromagnetic sensors to track and monitor the cage activity.
Research Statistics advised on study designs, protocols and carried out extensive exploratory and further statistical analyses on the data. This webinar will give an overview of the system and the data collected, along with the benefits gained from continuous cage monitoring using the DVC®. We will use a case study to highlight some of the key discussion points in this presentation.
All animal studies were ethically reviewed and carried out in accordance with Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 and the GSK Policy on the Care, Welfare and Treatment of Animal.
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Speaker Details

Eloisa Brook
Eloisa is a Statistical leader at GSK, she has worked extensively for the last 5 years with in-vivo groups at GSK and is a key partner of the protocol review forums for animal studies. She has a particular interest in animal welfare.

Joanna Moore
Joanna has worked with laboratory animals for over 25 years, in a range of roles across different sectors, she has always had a strong focus on welfare and enrichment, in 2018 she was awarded a PhD in Animal Sciences and more recently, she has recently completed an assessment of the mouse DVC to demonstrate the capabilities of this system in terms of what it can teach us to understand the needs of the mouse.

George Birkbeck
George has recently joined GSK, having completed his MSc in Statistics which included analysing DVC data for his dissertation. Since joining GSK, George has been interested in learning about home cage monitoring and how this has the potential of improving the well-being of mice in the pre-clinical setting.