EFSPI/PSI Webinar: Do you understand the patient point of view on benefit-risk tradeoffs? Introduction and case studies of stated preference elicitation methods
Time: 15:00- 16:30 (UK time)
Presenters: Alexander Schacht (Lilly), Marco Boeri (RTI-HS), Shahrul Mt-Isa (MSD), Brett Hauber (RTI-HS) and Daniel Saure (Lilly)
Do you know what patients value most in a treatment you are developing to reassure that they would best benefit from the drug, having considered what is important to them? For example, if a patient had to choose between a highly effective drug with a bad side effect profile and a less effective drug with minimal side effects, which would they choose? Rooted in traditional economic theory, stated-preference methods can help achieve a better understanding of the patient view point on benefit risk tradeoffs.
This webinar proposes a short primer on stated preference methods and how they can be used to explore the patient preferences for specific drug profiles that are currently available or may be developed in the near future. The theory will be then discussed as applied to two case studies using quantitative preference methods.
15:00 – 15:05
Welcome and Introduction
Alexander Schacht (Lilly)
15:05 – 15:20
A primer on Stated Preference: Definitions/introduction
Marco Boeri (RTI-HS)
15:20 – 15:30
Why is patient view important?
Shahrul Mt-Isa (MSD)
15:30 - 16:00
Case studies
Brett Hauber (RTI-HS)
Daniel Saure (Lilly)
16:00 – 16:30
Q&A and discussion
Alexander Schacht (Lilly, moderator)
Marco Boeri (RTI-HS)
Shahrul Mt-Isa (MSD)
Brett Hauber (RTI-HS)
Daniel Saure (Lilly)
About the Presenters:

Alexander Schacht |
Alexander Schacht (PhD), Principal Research Scientist, Global Statistical Sciences leads a group of 5 European based statisticians driving the statistical activities around launch preparation including HTA submission to support access and commercialization in different auto-immune diseases.
After 2 years at Boehringer Ingelheim, Alexander joined Lilly in 2004 and held various positions within statistics with a focus on neurosciences working on phase I, III, and IV in areas like Alzheimer, Schizophrenia, ADHD, Depression, and Pain.
Alexander received his PhD in Biometrics in 2002 from the University of Göttingen on work related to non-parametric analysis of covariance. For the publication based on this, he was awarded the 1st. Gustav-Adolf-Lienert Price in 2009 by the German region of the International Biometrical Society. He has published both methodological papers (e.g. on network-meta-analysis, non-inferiority approaches for time-to-event data) and medical papers including more than 60 papers in peer-reviewed biomedical journals. He is a regular speaker at both medical and statistical international conferences. As the chair of the special interest group on benefit-risk of the European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Alexander is leading and promoting research on quantitative assessments of benefit-risk. He is interested in all aspects of launching new treatments.

Marco Boeri |
Marco Boeri (PhD), is a Senior Research Economist at RTI-HS. Dr. Boeri was previously lecturer in Environmental Economics since 2013 and has 9 years of experience in preference assessment in environmental and health economics and 2 years of experience in private financial sector in Marketing. Dr. Boeri has extensive knowledge and experience in experimental design, survey development and modelling data from discrete choice studies in health, food and environmental economics. His research focusses on comparing different and innovating preference analysis methods (i.e. regret minimization vs. utility maximization or structural choice modelling) at individual and household level. He has co-authored the first applications of the Random Regret Minimization model in both environmental and health economics and he has published in several applied economics journals across different disciplines including: Preventive Medicine, Journal of Health Economics, Social Science and Medicine, Environmental and Resource Economics, Transportation Research Part A, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, demonstrating the ability of employing his methodological tool at top levels in different topics and fields. Dr. Marco Boeri is interested in environmental and resource economics, health economics, energy economics, micro-econometrics, non-market valuation, choice experiments, preference analysis: regret minimization vs. utility maximization, consumer behavior.

Shahrul Mt-Isa |
Shahrul Mt-Isa (PhD), is an Associate Principal Scientist in the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Statistics research group in the MSD Research Laboratories (MRL) Biostatistics and Research Decision Sciences (BARDS) organisation. He is responsible for HTA statistical analyses in clinical study portfolios in antiviral, antibacterial, and oncology indications to support HTA dossiers submission globally. Within MSD, he co-leads the MRL Benefit-Risk (BR) Subteam to innovate and implement novel methodologies and processes for BR Assessment; co-supervises postdoctoral research in statistical learning in BR; and leads a MSD-academia research integration and collaboration on incorporating novel BR assessment methodologies into clinical trials. Externally, he is an active member of the EFPSI BR and HTA Special Interest Groups. Prior to joining MSD, he was an academic statistician at the School of Public Health, Imperial College London, where he currently holds an Honorary Fellowship.

Brett Hauber, PhD |
Brett Hauber (PhD), is a Senior Economist and the Vice President of Health Preference Assessment at RTI-HS. He has more than 20 years of academic, research, and government experience in health and environmental economics. His primary area of specialization is in conducting conjoint analyses and discrete-choice experiments to quantify preferences for medical interventions and health outcomes. He also has extensive experience in conducting benefit-risk analysis of patients and other health care decision makers. He has studied the theoretical and empirical relationships among various health utility measures.
Dr. Hauber regularly teaches courses on conjoint analysis and discrete-choice experiments. He was a member of to the Patient-Centered Benefit-Risk Steering Committee of the Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC) and was the principal investigator for developing the Catalog of Methods for Assessing Patient Preferences for Benefits and Harms of Medical Technologies for MDIC. He is currently a member of the scientific advisory board for the IMI-PREFER project and an advisor to a number of initiatives led by industry and patient-advocacy organizations to incorporate patient preferences in regulatory and reimbursement decision making in multiple disease areas. Dr. Hauber's research has been published in numerous health outcomes and medical journals.

Daniel Saure |
Daniel Saure was born in the Bad Arolsen (Germany) in 1986. From 2006-2012 he studied Maths & International Economics in Mainz [B.Sc. Mathematics, M.Sc. Mathematics], before working as study biometrician and research scientist at the Institute of Medical Biometry and Informatics (IMBI) in Heidelberg [Dr. sc. hum. Medical Biometry]. Daniel's Doctoral thesis was about application of sequential meta-analysis in drug development process in order to early detect safety signals. In June 2016 Daniel joined Lilly, working as a research scientist. His hobbies and interests include Triathlon, Barista and Hiking.
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