
PSI Webinar: HTA submissions in Germany, what do statisticians need to know to be successful with their GBA dossiers – Part Three

Time: 15:00 - 16:00 UK Time
Presenter: Dr Carsten Schwenke

Early benefit assessment was introduced in Germany in 2011 as a basis for price negotiations between payers and pharmaceutical companies. Since then, all new drug substances have to be assessed at the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), by indication. This series of webinars by Dr C. Schwenke will focus on the statistical implications and how to deal with the requirements by G-BA and their methodological support institute IQWiG and should be of particular interest to statisticians who work in HTA and those who deal with requests from their local German team.

Click here to view the presentation slides.


The so called early benefit assessment in Germany was introduced in 2011 as basis for price negotiations of the institutionary sick funds and the pharmaceutical company. Since then, all new drug substances are to be assessed at the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA, Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss) by indication. A new indication always requires a new procedure. In a first step, the additional benefit over a comparator has to be shown based on the rules of evidence based medizine and the available clinical data. The marketing authorization holder has to submit a benefit dossier with all available clinical data for the drug substance in the indication. A template for the dossier is provided by G-BA and defines how the data is to be shown. This template has statistical implications with regards to the presentation of the clinical data including subgroup analyses, surrogate endpoints, direct and indirect comparisons, metaanalyses and others.

The web-seminar will focus on the statistical implications and how to deal with the requirements by G-BA and their methodological support institute IQWiG. PROs and CONs of certain statistical methods will be discussed in the light of their acceptance by G-BA and IQWiG. The target audience will be statisticians in HTA and statisticians who cope with the requests from their local German affiliate. 

About the Presenter: Dr. Carsten Schwenk

_wsb_244x367_foto_carstenDr. Carsten Schwenke studied statistics at the Universities of    Dortmund and Sheffield (UK) with minor subject theoretical  medicine (University of Bochum). He completed his studies with a diploma in statistics and gained the certificate Biometry of the  University of Dortmund. He received his PhD from the Technical  University Berlin in the area public health / health economics at  the Berlin School of Public Health.

Dr. Schwenke works as a statistician since 1995, first as a  statistical researcher at the statistical consultation center of the University of Dortmund and in the department medical statistics at the University of Göttingen. This was followed by about 10 years as a project biometrician at Chiron-Behring in Marburg, where he headed the biometry, and at Schering AG. After this, he worked as project leader Specialized Therapeutics in the department of Global Health Economics and Outcomes Research at Bayer-Schering Pharma AG in Berlin.

Dr. Schwenke founded SCO:SSiS in 2007. Main areas of work are clinical development and – particularly since introduction of the AMNOG in 2011 – the area of market access and benefit assessment. A list of publications can be found in Medline (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Schwenke+C). 


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