Journal Club - Survival Analysis
Joint PSI Pharmaceutical Statistics & Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
Audio Recordings
CHAIR: James Carpenter, LSHTM
Royal Statistical Society (RSS)
Speaker: Abdus S. Wahed, University of Pittsburgh
Evaluating joint effects of induction–salvage treatment regimes on overall survival in acute leukaemia
Co-author: Peter F. Thall;
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), Volume 62, Issue 1, Pages 67–83, January 2013
Abstract | Paper+ | Slides
Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry (PSI)
Speaker: Nicola Schmitt, AstraZeneca
Attenuation of treatment effect due to measurement variability in assessment of progression-free survival
Co-authors: S. Hong, A. Stone, J. Denne
Pharmaceutical Statistics, Volume 11, Issue 5, pages 394-402, September/October 2012
Abstract | Paper+ | Slides
+ Papers available to view from 8th April 2013 to 7th May 2013.
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