
Journal Club - Meta-Analyses in Clinical Trials

Audio Recording

: Steven Julious, Medical Statistics Group, University of Sheffield
Investigating the assumption of homogeneity of treatment effects in clinical studies with application to meta-analysis 
Co-author: Anne Whitehead
Pharmaceutical Statistics, Volume 11, Issue 1, Pages 49-56, January/February 2012
Abstract | Paper+ | Slides

: Christy Chuang-Stein, Pfizer
Reporting cumulative proportion of subjects with an adverse event based on data from multiple studies
Co-author: Mohan Beltangady
Pharmaceutical Statistics, Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 3–7, January/February 2011
Abstract | Paper+ | Slides

+ Papers available to view from 11th April 2012 to 9th May 2012.

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