Why partner with us: The digdata programme is a virtual work experience offering that develops key employability skills – problem solving, data literacy, storytelling, and presentation to students across secondary and tertiary education. Since our launch in July 2021, we have
13k active student members and work with 1000 schools and 105 universities across the UK.
Our student cohorts are as follows.
- First Step (year groups 7-9, 11-14 years old)
- Next Step (year groups 10-13) 15-18 years old)
- Step Up (University + HE)
We work with partners to create career challenges (bitesize projects) that the students can undertake using data to solve the problem and gain certification. Our partners include, BT, CACI, Capital One, Experian, Facebook, GSK, ITV, Lloyds banking group,
Omnicom Media Group, Shell, and Unilever and all of their career challenges can be found here in our library resource.
We deliver our virtual work experience online,
in the classroom and onsite with our data days.