Video-on-Demand Library

28 April 2021

The visual cortex can recognize certain “targets” and “borders”, based on variations in visual cues such as shape and color, within 250 milliseconds; this is called pre-attentive processing. This is faster than it takes to become conscious of the image. When combining visual cues, conjunctive visual cues, the pre-attentive qualities are generally lost. We will illustrate these concepts through an empirical experiment with the audience. The audience will be expected to participate and identify targets and borders within 250 milliseconds. We will cover what types of visual cues are conducive to pre-attentive processing and how to incorporate these concepts in your data visualizations. Similarly, the study of gestalt principles from psychology, seeing meaning in a purposeful arrangement of design elements, can be leveraged for effective data visualizations. We will also discuss the hierarchies of perception and how this applies to data visualization.

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