Partner Organisations

PSI is one of many organisations that are rooted within statistics and data analytics.  As such, we believe that it is important for us to link with other appropriate organisations.

PSI is the association located in the UK for statisticians in the pharmaceutical industry, and therefore we have two representatives on the European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceutical Industry council.  EFSPI brings together representatives of statistical associations within Europe.

PSI has a joint award for Statistical Excellence within the Pharmaceutical Industry with the RSS.  There are six-monthly meetings between representatives of both organisations to maintain good communication and identify opportunities to work together.

Recently PSI has linked with the Indian Association for Statistics in Clinical Trials (IASCT) and members of IASCT can join PSI at a reduced rate. PSI also welcomes members from any other countries, and from statisticians working in the wider clinical research and healthcare industries.

PSI has representatives on the Council of Biopharmaceutical Statisticians.

The Special Interest Groups include suitable representatives from, and interacts with, other organisations depending on the SIG topic.  For instance, the Data Transparency SIG has had discussions with PhUSE members.

The PSI Universities committee (formerly CALC) develops links with universities and students (via the PSI student membership and university contacts), to publicise careers in medical statistics and also the medical statistics apprenticeship, and provides information and insights for those who might want to consider such a career through various university activities. The committee has an Events Team, responsible for organizing student events – primarily the annual in-person PSI Careers Event, and the MEDMathS webinar, and also an Outreach Team who currently organize other initiatives such as the PSI student newsletter, undergraduate prizes, and placement opportunities.

The PSI Regulatory Committee is a joint PSI/EFSPI Committee which aims to provide an industry viewpoint on regulatory issues linked to statistics. This includes promoting best practice, reviewing and collating comments on regulatory policy and guidelines, driving debate on future guidance, and engaging with statisticians in European regulatory agencies, including the EMA Biostatistics Working Party (BSWP), as well as the statistical assessors at the Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

PSI recognises that it is part of a wide community and therefore actively engages with the community.

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